As every journey started, the hope of reaching the end is always on the corner of our eyes, haunting every step that you are one way closer to the final stage. Even so, the fact is harder than what mind has always thought of. We come out stronger, bigger, and hopefully wiser. This is the final entity that we have ever thought of since the first stage, where mind & body met the consciousness of each existences. The process of undertaking the whole unit is chaotic but remindful. We have chosen, this form of unity, borderless, uncategorized, utter but definite state called, Acceptance.

The new home. When things are evolving & reach the endpoint of the process, ones will need an evolved roof to cover too. The design of Argo with a new upper in paracord stopper resembles an altering exploration part of the sandal. Comes in two colorways, Blach & Moss.

The new border. To stretch or to pull, it’s the game of living. We play a role in society with other creatures and create a bond that has to be maintained. Like a cord, tie it up when it needs or loosen it up when it needs too. Dali comes in two colorways, Blach & Cordia.

The new complexion. We can relate to the process when a snake is releasing its old skin to keep alive, that’s what we did with Hara. It’s another two-strap sandal, but its facade is clean different. Comes in two colorways, Blach & Monsoon.